Beach clean up planned on World Ocean Day

A previous clean-up at Avoca Beach

Plastic Free Avoca Beach will hold a major clean-up on Saturday, June 8, in celebration of World Ocean Day 2024.

The clean-up will be held in Hunter Park, Avoca Beach with all welcome to grab a bag and help pick up rubbish from the beach and foreshore.

A spokesperson for the group said more than eight million tons of plastic entered the ocean every year and up to 40,000 pieces of plastic were estimated to float in every square kilometre of ocean.

“Not only is this unsightly but it can be harmful to wildlife such as turtles, dolphins and seabirds who mistake it for food or get entangled in it,” the spokesperson said.

“What’s more, plastic is a major emitter of greenhouse gases.

“Plastic is made from oil and gas – fossil fuels.

“Plastic products create greenhouse gas emissions throughout their whole lifecycle, from production to distribution to degeneration.

“The more plastic we make, the more CO2 is released and the more we intensify the climate crisis.”

The clean-up will be family friendly and inclusive with gloves and clean-up equipment provided.

Registration will begin at 9am, with the clean-up to take place from 9.15-10am.

It ill be followed by free cookies and cake with coffee available from local cafes – please bring a reusable cup.

All rubbish collected will be sorted, counted and recorded in the Australian Marine Debris Database which is used by scientists and researchers tackling the problem of marine pollution.

Plastic Free Avoca Beach is a local community group which shares information and ideas on environmentally conscious and sustainable initiatives and supports the reduction of single-use plastics.

The group has organised beach clean-ups and used clothing swaps, photo and art competitions, and kid’s craft sessions to raise awareness around single-use plastics and marine pollution.

New members and supporters are always welcome. For more information visit

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