in print

Paddlers safe thanks to Marine Rescue

Volunteers from Marine Rescue Terrigal recently retrieved six paddlers from waters off Spoon Bay on the state’s Central Coast after their outrigger began filling with water and capsized. Marine Rescue…

Live pro wrestling at The Entrance

A night of live pro wrestling at The Entrance Leagues Club on November 15 will feature a special appearance by the former international WWE superstar Cameron Grimes. Grimes currently wrestles…

Seniors forum most successful yet

More than 400 people from across the Central Coast participated in a seniors’ forum on Tuesday, October 22, at Central Coast Leagues Club. Organised by Federal Member for Robertson, Dr…

Instrufest a huge success

Organisers of the inaugural Central Coast Instrufest have hailed the five-day instrumental and vocal competition a resounding success. The competition saw more than 100 competitors aged five to 50 take…

School phone ban a success

The State Government’s decision to ban mobile phones in all NSW public schools has improved student learning and concentration and encouraged young people to socialise more, according to a new…

Motorbike hits 200km/h on M1

Brisbane Water Highway Patrol was conducting speed enforcement along the M1 Motorway at Somersby on Tuesday, October 22, when their radar detected a motorcycle travelling at 143km/h. Police took off…