in print

Ettalong boat ramp set to close

Following safety concerns and community feedback, the Ettalong foreshore boat ramp at the end of Kourung Ave, Ettalong, will close from Monday, December 2. A Central Coast Council spokesperson said…

Fast train service a pipedream

The federal government is squandering another $500M of our money to pursue the pipedream of a fast-train service between Sydney and Newcastle. The UK government has just announced that it…

Turtle island a success already

A celebration of the turtle island which was launched at Springfield a month ago was held on Sunday, November 10, at the wetland. About 100 people enjoyed a free sausage…

Time to act on youth crime

I live in an over-55s housing commission complex. There are 45 units and most of the tenants are well past 70 years of age. In the past six months we…

Upgrades for Coast schools

Member for The Entrance David Mehan has welcomed a commitment from the State Government of more than $3M to be spent upgrading several schools in his electorate. “Investing in our…

Feast of Spanish music

Pearl Beach Progress Association will present a concert featuring guitar music from Spain and Latin America at Pearl Beach Memorial Hall on Friday, November 22. Great Guitars Allegria Ole will…

Big Aussie luncheon for men

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid will host a second Central Coast Big Aussie Luncheon on December 2 after the success of last year’s event. It will be held in…

Medals haul for Ettalong Pelicans

A team of seven from Ettalong Pelicans Masters Swimming Club brought home 27 medals from the Pan Pacific Masters Games (PPMG), held on the Gold Coast from November 6-9. More…

Treaty to end plastic pollution for good

Take 3 for the Sea, the Australian environmental organisation founded on the Central Coast, is celebrating its 15th anniversary of driving global awareness and action against plastic pollution. Since its…