in print

Free hearing tests around the Coast

Hearing Australia is urging Australians to be proactive about their hearing health, with free 15-minute Hearing Australia checks for adults being held on the Central Coast during March to mark…

Cricketers go pink for cancer

Central Coast Cricket Association will add a touch of pink to support the McGrath Foundation on Saturday, March 8, at Sohier Park, Ourimbah. The association will host Semi-Final Day for…

Review for Killcare phone tower

A telecommunications tower at Killcare Heights is back on the agenda with Central Coast Council accepting submissions for an amended application and review until March 21. Already hundreds of letters…

Toasting the demise of PEP 11

Community group Save Our Coast (SOC) celebrated the rejection of the PEP 11 permits for offshore gas exploration by the Federal Government at Ocean Beach Surf Club on Saturday, March…

Woman facing cannabis charges

A 35-year-old woman Lake Haven woman was remanded in custody until her court appearance to face drug charges. On Friday, February 28, officers from Tuggerah Lakes Police District, supported by…

Recognised for 30 years of volunteering

Toni Brewster has been celebrated for 30 years of continuous voluntary service to the Ourimbah Hospital Auxiliary. Brewster joined the auxiliary in 1994. To mark this very special occasion, Member…