
Urgent need for funnel-web spiders

The Australian Reptile Park is in desperate need of more live funnel-web spider donations. More live funnel-web spider donations are urgently needed before the breeding season ends to sustain the…

Meet Hemsworth the funnel web

The Australian Reptile Park has received the biggest male funnel web spider ever donated to its antivenom program during peak breeding season. Measuring in at a whopping 9.2cm, the newest…

New best buds at reptile park

An adorable and surprising friendship has formed at the Australian Reptile Park between two of its newest residents. Despite being from different species, Honey the koala joey and Bucky the…

Bikers urged to ride to survive

Police have issued a reminder to “ride to survive” this holiday period following the apprehension of a motorcyclist travelling at 193km/h in a 70km/h zone. Brisbane Water Highway Patrol detected…

Funnel-web spiders out and about

The Australian Reptile Park has warned residents to be alert with peak funnel-web season underway. With soaring temperatures and anticipated rainfall, the conditions are ripe for the venomous spiders to…

Dylan’s risky career choice

It’s a career choice not many would make. While many children dream of becoming firefighters or doctors, Dylan Wallis found his calling in the world of snakes. Fascinated by the…

Family fun day at Somersby

A very special event will take place at Somersby on International Day for People with Disability, Tuesday December 3. Event partners Unisson Disability and the Trilogy Foundation will present a…

Now’s the time to adopt a dog

To celebrate International Dog Day, RSPCA NSW has waived the adoption costs for dogs and puppies until September 15 at its Somersby Behaviour and Rehabilitation Centre (BARC) facility. Until September…

Grifco expands to Somersby

Chamberlain Group, the parent company of Grifco, has expanded its national business footprint by relocating to a new purpose-built manufacturing facility at Somersby. Grifco engineers and manufactures products specifically designed…

The snakes are out early!

The Australian Reptile Park has issued an urgent warning to be vigilant for venomous snakes as unseasonally high temperatures continue to increase. With Spring beginning on September 1, snake sightings…

Cat adoption fees waived

The RSPCA’s Behaviour and Rehabilitation Centre (BARC) at Somersby will waive all adoption fees for cats and kittens until August 18 to celebrate International Cat Day. Adopters up to August…

Breakthrough in funnel-web program

The Australian Reptile Park has hit a groundbreaking milestone in its ongoing funnel-web spider program. Spring has sprung early with a female funnel-web spider laying an egg sac a month…