Pearl Beach

Book fair a huge success

The Pearl Beach Summer Book Sale on Thursday, December 28, was a resounding success, with almost $2,500 raised towards the upkeep of Pearl Beach Memorial Hall. Co-ordinator Alison Phillips said…

Pearl Beach Book Fair

When the excitement of Christmas is over, it will be time to get in some quality Summer reading and Pearl Beach Progress Association can help out. The Pearl Beach Summer…

Special screening of Caddie

Enjoy a screening of the classic Australian film Caddie at Pearl Beach Memorial Hall on Sunday, November 5, and chat with the film’s producer, Anthony Buckley, now a Central Coast…

Art Fair in the Arboretum

Don’t miss the Art Fair in the Arboretum on Sunday, October 1, at Pearl Beach. Community members, friends and visitors are invited to enjoy the beautiful unique environment of Pearl…

New beacons could be a life saver

Residents and holiday makers at a number of popular Central Coast swimming spots will be a little safer following the installation of new lifesaving technology at The Entrance Channel, Budgewoi…