Meals on Wheels

Christmas cards bring cheer to seniors

Central Coast schoolchildren are bringing Christmas joy to seniors this month as part of an intergenerational program designed to remedy festive isolation. Home Instead is again teaming up with Meals…

Meals on Wheels spreads Christmas cheer

Over 25 clients attended a heartwarming Christmas party at Meals on Wheels Central Coast’s Bateau Bay Community Restaurant on Tuesday, December 3. The annual event is eagerly anticipated each year…

Meals on Wheels powers on

Meals on Wheels Central Coast is going from strength to strength, distributing almost 18,000 meals in November alone across the region. Deeply rooted in the community for more than 56…

Christmas joy on the menu

Christmas joy is on the menu for Central Coast seniors this December, with Meals on Wheels Australia drivers set to deliver more than 12,500 Christmas cards co-ordinated by Home Instead…

Meals on Wheels call on crafty Coasties

Meals on Wheels NSW is calling on Central Coast residents who enjoy sewing or crocheting to support their local organisation by making and donating reusable bags to be passed on…

Christmas lunch for 750

One Direct Connect (Meals on Wheels Central Coast) will once again spread Christmas cheer by gifting a Christmas meal to all its clients. CEO Dennis Taylor said Christmas time can…

Over 700 Christmas Day meals on wheels

Meals on Wheels Central Coast is determined that no client will miss out on Christmas dinner this year, with hundreds of meals to be distributed all over the region in…

Meals on Wheels has a new Chairperson

One Direct Connect, trading as Meals on Wheels Central Coast, has welcomed a new Chairperson to their Board of Governance at their Annual General Meeting on October 28. Jordan Bryant,…

THANK YOU Paula and all our volunteers

Central Coast Meals on Wheels’ Paula Howard has been crowned Volunteering Central Coast’s Volunteer of the Year for 2020. Volunteering Central Coast (VCC) hold their awards each year to coincide…