Lifeline Central Coast

Lifeline to expand text services

Lifeline Hunter Central Coast CEO, Robert Sams, has welcomed the announcement of $8.2M in State Government over five years to facilitate the expansion of the organisation’s text and webchat services….

Lifeline looks for more volunteers

In celebration of National Volunteering Week (May 15-21), Lifeline Central Coast has shone the light on the critical role its volunteers play in giving hope and connection to people in…

Lifeline celebrates 60 years

Lifeline Central Coast is celebrating the 60th birthday of the crisis support service. Lifeline was founded in Sydney on March 16, 1963, and has been operating on the Central Coast…

Take up the challenge and help Lifeline

Lifeline Central Coast has launched its Challenge Yourself for Mental Health campaign to raise funds for its local suicide prevention services. The organisation is asking Coasties to challenge themselves during…