Understand role of councillors
At a time when the general population seems not to think too highly of councillors we have to try to find ways to lift their image and understand that they…
At a time when the general population seems not to think too highly of councillors we have to try to find ways to lift their image and understand that they…
Population of the Northern Territory is 255,000; number of MPs in NT parliament 25 – population of Central Coast is 351,000; number of councillors 15. It appears once again Central…
In Forum, October 3, Issue 458, it was noted that after the recent council elections there are some familiar names on council, that is, a number of those involved in…
Democracy has returned to our local government area but sadly I see familiar names elected that are symbolic of past failures, excesses and misbehaviour. Joe Public is renowned for having…
What have we learned from the recent Council elections? By voting yes in the referendum the voters have expressed their disgust at the quality of councillors and believe that nine…
Last Friday morning a tall, teenage male ran flatout diagonally across Brisbane Water Dr, Point Clare, cutting between a line of cars going south and then a line of cars…
One wonders what Central Coast Council is thinking with their proposal of a desalination water treatment plant at Noraville (Coast News September 19). The plant will have an extraction pipeline…
While I was waiting for my bus one day last week I heard the familiar sound of an online poker machine game I regularly play. On looking up I was…
I’d like to thank the staff at Red Bus for retrieving and delivering my shopping that I’d left outside Wyoming shopping centre. It would have been difficult for me to…
Saying the housing shortage is caused by overseas students is like blaming the homeless for the shortage of housing. Politicians with five or six investment properties point the finger at…
Isn’t it strange how massive pay rises for millionaire politicians and executives help the economy. But when it comes to nurses their request for a decent pay rise falls on…
I could not agree more with Glen Hughes (CCN 452) that Council needs to be proactive. Proactive and reactive are terms used in (or used to be) by government-employed law…
David Abrahams’ cosy editorial (CCN453) confirms the only beneficiaries of the (council) amalgamation and dismissal were successive administrators and their acolytes. We ratepayers were duped. I believe we should never…
I am writing in response to the recent comments made in Forum by Mr Simmons and Mr DeGuara, both greyhound trainers. If all greyhounds were truly cared for around the…
I was interested to read about the sizes of voter populations in different NSW council areas. Particularly of note was the difference between, for example, Brewarrina and the amalgated Central…
Your recent correspondent raises some concerns about the motives of some of the candidates who have nominated for election to Central Coast Council claiming to be independent as opposed to…
In response to the article in CCN452, Removal of (war) memorial divides Copacabana, I wish to clarify key facts of the case. Central Coast Council’s improper decisions against me, as…
I wish to comment on the front page story in CCN452 – Rally to ban greyhound racing. I find it quite surprising that a dozen so-called passionate protestors can get…
With a team of 15 to cover every ward across the Central Coast, Lawrie McKinna (CCN Issue 449) detailed his team’s priorities as business, sport, long-term growth, health, infrastructure, tourism…
It was dismaying to read in the Coast News of the tobacco shop fire-bombings on the Peninsula. The tobacco wars were always going to come to the Coast with the…