letters to the editor

Speak up now to save library

While the CEO of the Central Coast Council seems to be hell-bent on demolishing the current Gosford library building to apparently replace it with a concrete slab, the new developments…

Interesting times ahead

I see that Geoff Mitchell is clearly bemoaning the electoral loss by the negative, dysfunctional and anti-progressive mob that steered the Central Coast into administration (CCN Forum 467). And so…

Poor decision regarding LPP

Already the new Council is showing its colours, with the decision to increase the number of development application objections required to trigger a referral to the Local Planning Panel. The…

New trains a disappointment

I am 86 years old with a walking stick and on Friday, December 6 I caught the (new Mariyung) 9.33am train from platform 1 at Gosford. What a disappointment; why…

Where are the national flags?

With the exception of the RSL Club and a local radio station, not one business in the entire West Gosford area has the national flag being flown. This includes all…

Fast train service a pipedream

The federal government is squandering another $500M of our money to pursue the pipedream of a fast-train service between Sydney and Newcastle. The UK government has just announced that it…

Where’s the new timetable?

The route #38 bus stop outside the Imperial Centre (Erina St, Gosford) makes for an interesting study in priorities. The old timetable has, of course, been removed but there is…

PIO to protect public servants

After enduring four years of the Dick and Rik Show, the Central Coast is now being subjected to an episode of Yes Minister with the Performance Improvement Order (instigated by…

No go for bus route change

For years I have been endeavouring to have bus route 37 re-routed, from its present Pacific Hwy Lisarow Station to Tuggerah St route, to The Ridgeway past the retirement village…

Cr MacGregor draws a long bow

In CCN’s issue dated October 10 Cr Kyle MacGregor criticised the referendum and compared it to ‘disgusting ideologies’ of ‘Reagan and Thatcher’. The headline stated it was a ‘stirring speech…