
Outraged over nightmare train journey

What should have been a relaxing getaway to enjoy the hot springs at Moree for three Central Coast friends got off to a nightmare start, with major problems on the…

Tesch inducted into NSW Hall of Champions

Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch was inducted into the NSW Hall of Champions this week in recognition of her remarkable career in parasports. Tesch attended five Paralympic Games with the…

Jackson fights to support Coast Shelter

Central Coast local Jackson Lonie, best known as a participant from Married at First Sight 2022, presented a $1,900 cheque to Coast Shelter on November 23. Lonie not only stepped…

Alive Fest returns to Gosford on December 3

Alive Fest, the state’s premiere plant-based festival, returns to Gosford on December 3, offering artisanal wares, clothing and an international array of food offerings with stallholders and visitors from as…

CoastAbility needs more volunteers

CoastAbility is on the lookout for more volunteers to help support local young people with physical disabilities aged up to 25 to thrive in all aspects of life. The charity,…

Energy savings for Coast schools

Schools across the Central Coast are benefiting from improvements in their classrooms and reductions in their power bills thanks to the NSW Government’s LED Lighting Upgrade Program. The $157.8M program,…

The Weekly News 5@5

[Audio / Video format] Central Coast Newspaper’s Weekly News 5@5 for the third week of November 2022..  In the bulletin this week: The Matildas dazzled locals at the stadiumFederal Minister…

Matilda’s dazzle at Central Coast Stadium

The Australian women’s football team, The Commbank Matildas, played a stunning match of exhibition football at Industree Group, (Central Coast) Stadium on Tuesday night against Thailand, winning 2 – 0….