Federal Government

Timely funding for youth service

Regional Youth Support Services (RYSS) is set to receive $988,650 from the Federal Government to secure its future on the Central Coast with a new hub at Gosford. It is…

Regional library powers ahead

Construction of the Regional Library in Gosford is now well past the halfway mark following the recent completion of the third, and final, suspended floor slab. Central Coast Mayor Lawrie…

Scholarships for aspiring teachers

Central Coast students beginning teaching degrees in 2025 can now apply for scholarships worth up to $40,000 which are designed to encourage more people to become teachers. Member for Robertson…

Fee-free TAFE set to continue

The Federal Government is set to introduce legislation to establish fee-free TAFE as an enduring feature of the national vocational education and training system. The legislation would see 100,000 fee-free…

Have your say on Avoca Dr upgrade

Central Coast residents are invited to help shape the long-awaited Avoca Dr upgrade at Kincumber by having their say on proposed safety and efficiency improvements options. The Federal Government is…

Reid welcomes new vaping laws

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid has welcomed the passage of world-leading vaping laws through the Australian Parliament. Following the Bill’s passage through Parliament, the sale, supply, manufacture, importation, and commercial…

Support for language schools

Four community language schools in the Robertson electorate have received support from the Federal Government’s Community Language School Grants, with a total of $92,700 going to local language schools. Across…