Airport masterplan a waste of money

Readers' forum letters

Central Coast Council’s decision to approve an Airport Masterplan requiring the “investment” of tens of millions of dollars is a colossal waste of ratepayers money.

Even if the optimistic estimates and assumptions in the business case prove correct, the document forecasts a cumulative deficit for the next 10-14 years.

In reality, there will be deficits much longer than that because cost blowouts in public sector capital projects tend to be far higher than the 15% allowed for in the sensitivity analysis.

And let’s not forget delivering this complex project within budget will be the responsibility of a Council senior management that has a poor track record delivering even basic services efficiently and effectively.

The masterplan was approved eight votes to seven ( at Council’s February 25 meeting).

Team Central Coast councillors, who claimed to be Independents during the election, once again voted with the Liberals in an “eight-pack” – as they do in every significant vote.

It is particularly irresponsible to commence the project without specifying where the money will come from.

Will it be funded from higher rates? Extra borrowing? Or reduced capital spending on other things such as roads?

They either don’t know or aren’t saying.

Despite overblown claims in the masterplan, there are no benefits for the vast majority of ratepayers.

The airport is tiny with a 5,700kg weight restriction.

It cannot handle significant commercial passenger flights or freight, so how can it possibly be a significant driver of economic growth or job creation?

The main beneficiaries are a relatively small number of increasingly politicised aviation enthusiasts.

For the vast majority of ratepayers, already paying higher rates for worse services, more important priorities would include fixing the roads, improving water quality, and reducing the backlog of outstanding development applications.

Email, February 27
Kevin Brooks, Bensville

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