We need a wetland masterplan

When we damage wetlands flooding worsens.

The weather is getting hotter and more erratic.

We need the largest freshwater wetland on the Central Coast – Porters Creek Wetland – to absorb run-off during storms.

The proposed extension to the Central Coast Airport would mean more hard surfaces and increased run-off.

Clearance requirements for the proposed airport traffic would require the destruction of 11ha of the wetland: 6ha of endangered ecology communities and 5ha of land covered by the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) Coastal Wetland.

Quakers’ practice of silent worship together leads us to care about the natural world which sustains us all.

Five years ago the elected councillors had agreed to sign-off, with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust, on a Conservation Agreement for the wetland; but the unelected interim administrator canned that.

Council’s new planned Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement should cover the entire wetland.

We ask Council to reclassify the wetland to Community Land so it cannot be sold, develop and exhibit a masterplan for the whole of Porters Creek Wetland, and give this priority over expanding the airport.

Email, Feb 24
Helen Gould for Quakers Central Coast

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