War of words over maternity services

Maternity services will be maintained in Gosford. Photo NSW Health

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid has hit back at claims by Liberal candidate for the seat Lucy Wicks that the Government has “ignored and neglected” the women of the Central Coast seeking maternity care.

With the Federal election looming, Wicks said she had been hearing serious concerns on stretched maternity services from residents all over the electorate.

“People must have timely access to the health advice they need, but with the imminent closure of the Gosford Private Maternity Hospital next month local women could be forced to leave their community in order to get health services and support,” Wicks said.

Liberal candidate for Robertson Lucy Wicks

“The closure of the Gosford Private Maternity Hospital is part of a general trend under Labor of deteriorating healthcare accessibility.”

Wicks said Reid had a “lacklustre approach” which had seen him wait until the 11th hour to call a community meeting on the important issue.

“Liberal governments increased Medicare funding every single year and delivered record bulk billing rates,” she said.

“Under Labor it has never been harder or more expensive to access critical primary care, with GP bulk billing rates collapsing since they came to power from 88% to 77%, and patients paying record high out-of-pocket costs to see a doctor.”

She said Australian Institute of Health and Welfare figures revealed the Central Coast LGA bulk billing rates for 16-64-year-olds had plummeted from 83% to 69% under Labor.

“This is unacceptable,” she said.

Wicks said women’s health had always been a priority for Liberal governments.

“We have already committed to guaranteeing cheaper medicines and targeted healthcare for women through a specific review to ensure they are able to get the best quality care when they need it most,” she said.

“Under the former Liberal Government, $5.5B was invested through two Women’s Budget Statements, including $330.6M specifically allocated to maternal, sexual, and reproductive health initiatives.

“We also introduced Australia’s first endometriosis-specific clinics in every state and territory, delivering crucial support for women with chronic pain conditions.

“If elected, we will deliver quality healthcare for the local community as part of our plan to get Australia back on track, including delivering investment in women’s health.”

Labor Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid

But Reid said as an emergency doctor, he put his hand up at the last election to represent the Coast after seeing “12 years of cuts from the former Liberal government”.

“We need better healthcare services and maternity services for the Central Coast and I’m working with the state and federal governments as well as the Local Health District to find a solution,” he said.

“The Liberal Party may want to politicise our healthcare when an election is coming around, but I have dedicated my working life to caring for this community.

“Working as part of the Federal Labor Government team, we have strengthened Medicare and improved healthcare services.

“Bulk billing rates on the Central Coast have increased to 75.4% in the electorate of Robertson, representing an additional 39,507 bulk billed GP visits.

“Our Peninsula Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Umina Beach has now treated more than 13,000 patients for free and our community has saved more than $8M because of our cheaper medicines.

“The Liberals have had a decade of over-promising and under-delivering for the people of Robertson.

“We saw a $50B cut to public hospitals, an attempted GP tax, and as Health Minister, Peter Dutton was voted the worst health minister by Australian doctors.”