Tooheys Race Day headed for Gosford

Tooheys Race Day is headed for Gosford

Tooheys Race Day is set for Gosford Race Club on Saturday, February 22, with a program of top-class horse racing and live entertainment from Tay-G and DJ D-Flat.

There will be ticket options to suit everyone including general admission where for $15 online or $20 at the gate you can enjoy the vibrant trackside atmosphere with access to the lawn, bar, eateries and betting facilities.

Upgrades include the De Bortoli Rose Rose Garden for $125 where you can get up close to the action with a spot in the reserved trackside area.

This section has access to the new parade ring, winning post, private bar, catering and betting facilities and large picnic tables with umbrellas with a reserved table.

Enjoy a bottle of De Bortoli Rose Rose and grazing platter with a table, a minimum booking of four.

For $149 there is The Carousel package offering an exclusive experience at The Carousel, the stylish new set-up near the courtyard area.

Designed with cocktail tables, live entertainment, table and a relaxed atmosphere, it’s the perfect spot for a group of friends to unwind and socialise with a private viewing area on the finish post.

The open terrace package at $189 provides a bird’s eye view of the winning straight with a private corporate box style terrace.

Enjoy a delicious, three-course luncheon on the mezzanine level of the Lakeview Room with the $112 lakeview mezzanine package featuring panoramic views of the racecourse and winning straight with full TAB and bookmaker services and individual TV monitor.

Or enjoy the trackside reserved area for $40 offering picnic tables in a private area and private bar on the trackside lawn for you and your friends – first in, best dressed.