Strong employment growth with 21,200 new jobs locally

Free TAFE helps create jobs in vital sectors of the community

Australian Bureau of Statistics Labour Force figures released this month reveal that in the past two-and-a-half years the Central Coast has grown by 21,200 new jobs, bringing local employment to 172,700.

This includes an extra 2,300 extra jobs in 2024 alone, and an extra 10,400 new jobs for local women since 2022.

Across Australia, an extra 444,400 jobs were created last year – the second largest rise in a calendar year on record. Of those, 67% were full-time positions.

Central Coast Federal MPs Pat Conroy (Shortland), Emma McBride (Dobell) and Dr Gordon Reid (Robertson) say that strong job creation in the region has occurred through workplace reforms introduced by the Labor Federal Government.

They say these include: higher pay and stronger job security for workers; real wage growth for four consecutive quarters with the average worker now earning an extra $150 a week compared to two years ago; increases to minimum and award wages; the lowest gender pay gap level in history; same job same pay laws delivering significant pay rises to labour hire workers; new rights for truck drivers to stay safe; new rights for gig economy workers like rideshare and food delivery workers including unfair dismissal; more rights for casual workers; the right to say ‘no’ to unpaid overtime through Right to Disconnect; and the criminalisation of intentional wage theft.

“Labor promised to create more jobs and that’s exactly what we’ve delivered for Coasties,” Conroy said.

“Under the Albanese Labor Government, inflation has more than halved, we’ve overseen the creation of 1.1 million jobs – the most jobs created on record in a Parliamentary term, and real wages are growing again.”

McBride said the new jobs were in vital sectors in the community.

“Labor is supporting locals to find local jobs with our free TAFE helping people upskill and reskill,” she said.

And Reid said the Federal Labor Government was working hard to ensure it created more jobs and economic opportunities for people living on the Central Coast.

“From free TAFE, support for apprentices and more university places, our policies are helping people secure the jobs of their dreams,” he said.

“We are a government that supports our communities, and we will continue to create the economic conditions that helps support jobs creation.”