Following a rise in local crime affecting beachside suburbs in the region, Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid, has met with police to convey the concerns of the community and to understand the NSW Police response.
“I have been contacted by a number of concerned residents who have told me about their properties being targeted by crime,” Reid said.
“These range from break and enter to theft and stolen cars.
“I have met with Brisbane Water Police District Superintendent Darryl Jobson and Inspector Ben Campbell, and they have provided me with a briefing on the matter.
“Superintendent Jobson advised that police have a number of active investigations in relation to break-in offences in Terrigal and surrounding suburbs and continue to explore investigative opportunities to take action in relation to those crimes.”
He said the briefing revealed that the community often provided police with CCTV footage, which is great, (but) there was often more work to be done in order to identify offender/s in the footage to the criminal standard of proof (establishing their identity and criminal conduct ‘beyond reasonable doubt’).
“Police take these crimes seriously and whilst they may have suspicions in relation to who is responsible there is often more work to be done to establish identification to the requisite standard and police know this can be frustrating for the community and victims of those crimes,” Reid said.
“Police have also increased their proactive taskings into the area to prevent and disrupt crime.
“The general MO (modus operandi) involves offenders accessing vehicles and houses through unlocked doors or windows.
“Police are strongly urging members of the community to take preventative messages to lock their vehicles and also their houses.
“This will greatly assist to prevent and disrupt crime.
“Police acknowledge that community are their ‘eyes and ears’ and ask members of the community to report suspicious behaviour for them to attend and investigate.
“I remain committed to representing our community on this important issue and have agreed to work with our community and NSW Police to help organise a community crime forum,” Reid said.
“These details will be forthcoming, and I would encourage the community to monitor my social media accounts for details, once they are finalised.”
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