Fiona Sullivan of NSW State Archives will be the special guest at the next meeting of the Central Coast Family History Society on March 1.
Discover what’s new in the State Archives collection and pick up some research tips and tricks along the way.
The vast collection records history as it happens, providing valuable and at times life-changing evidence of events and decisions that have shaped, and continue to shape, history, communities, and lives.
It is a fantastic resource for both family and local history.
Sullivan will especially highlight and talk about the four most recent additions: the Wages Paid to Orphans Index; a digitised version of the Settler’s Muster Book 1800; the Archives for Everyone digitisation project; and the expansion of the Probate Packet series up to1989.
Learn how these new tools can assist your research and keep up-to-date with events and activities NSW State Archives has planned for 2025.
The meeting will be held at 1pm on Saturday, March 1, in the Lions Hall, 3/8 Russell Drysdale St, East Gosford.