More choice and better health care for women welcomed

Dr Gordon Reid and Emma McBride welcomed the Federal Government's new health care package for women

A move by the Federal Government to strengthen Medicare with $573.3M to deliver more choice, lower costs and better health care for women has been welcomed by Central Coast Federal MPs.

Member for Dobell and Assistant Minister for Mental Health Emma McBride and Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid say the significant investment will deliver better healthcare for women across the Central Coast. 

The package of measures includes:

The first PBS listing for new oral contraceptive pills in more than 30 years, with the listing of Yaz® and Yasmin® saving 50,000 women hundreds of dollars a year;

More choice, lower costs and better access to long-term contraceptives, with larger Medicare payments and more bulk billing for IUDs and birth control implants saving about 300,000 women a year up to $400 in out-of-pocket costs;

More Medicare support for women experiencing menopause, with a new Medicare rebate for menopause health assessments, funding to train health professionals, the first-ever clinical guidelines and a national awareness campaign;

The first PBS listing for new menopausal hormone therapies in more than 20 years, with about 150,000 women saving hundreds of dollars a year from the listing of Prometrium®, Estrogel® and Estrogel® Pro;

More endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics treating more conditions, opening 11 new clinics and ensuring all 33 clinics are staffed to provide specialist support for menopause;

Contraceptives and treatment for uncomplicated UTIs directly from pharmacies, with two national trials to benefit 250,000 concession cardholders who will be able to consult a trained pharmacist at no cost and, if medications are required, pay only the usual medicine cost.

McBride and Reid say that some measures will take effect almost immediately, like the PBS listing of the first new contraceptive pills in more than 30 years, and the first new menopausal hormone therapies in more than 20 years.

Further details about the package of measures, including who will benefit can be found in the More choice, lower costs and better health care for women – fact sheet, on the website.
“Women deserve a healthcare system that understands and responds to their needs,” McBride said.

“Our Labor Government’s more than half a billion-dollar investment will deliver better healthcare for women.
“These historic changes will save women and their families thousands of dollars across their lifetimes.”
Reid said with no new contraceptive pill or menopausal hormone therapy added to the PBS in decades, it was clear the PBS wasn’t working for women.

“It’s about time Australian women had more choice, lower costs and better health care.”