For over two decades, the Gosford Library building has been slated for heritage listing, a fact well known within the community.
Why then, is Central Coast Council seemingly hesitant to embrace the opportunity to preserve a valuable piece of our history and create a vibrant community hub?
Our region faces significant demographic challenges.
With a projected rapid population increase, coupled with the needs of both a growing youth population and an ageing demographic, our Council has a crucial opportunity to demonstrate real leadership and vision.
We need solutions that address these diverse needs and create positive outcomes for all residents.
The Gosford Library building, situated in Kibble Park, offers the perfect location to achieve this.
It’s time for our Council to “imagine,” as we did with the “IMAGINE” artwork that once graced our waterfront.
Let us envision a revitalised library building: a regional youth support service, complete with a cafe offering hospitality training; a space for seniors to engage in continued education and social gatherings; and a central hub where these two demographics can interact and connect.
Imagine the energy and creativity that could be fostered by incorporating our vibrant arts community, bridging the gap between young and old.
This is not just about preserving a building; it’s about building a stronger, more connected community.
We desperately need leaders who can see beyond the short-sighted focus on demolition and maximising depreciation.
We need leaders who can imagine a better future for the Central Coast, a future where community needs are prioritised over short-term financial gains.
The Gosford Library building presents a unique opportunity to realise this vision.
Let’s not waste it.
Email, Feb 18
Joy Cooper, Green Point