A development application for a medical centre at Erina, which was originally approved by the former Gosford Council in 2013 and then lapsed, has come back for renewed approval by Central Coast Council.
The proposal is to build a new medical clinic over the concrete surface of the carpark at 207 The Entrance Rd, Erina, which has a frontage to Bonnal Rd and Erina Creek at the rear.
It will be a three-storey building with 20 car parking spaces at ground level.
A lift and stairwell will provide access for customers to the first and second levels where the reception area, offices, treatment and consulting rooms will be located.
A footpath and ambulance pick-up area are proposed on the street frontage, within the road reserve.
Minor demolition and excavation will be required for construction of building footings and service connections.
The medical centre is proposed to operate on weekdays from 8:30am to 5pm and on Saturdays from 8am to 12 noon.
The DA 2073/2024 can be viewed on Council’s website.