It is evidence of the ridiculous to-ing and fro-ing of planning on the Central Coast that the development of the Central Coast Airport is still in progress.
I wonder how many issues will emerge during the briefing on the Airport Masterplan (CCN 474) that will cause more delay.
And you can bet which faction of councillors will lead the charge to stymie progress.
I would like to know why it has taken so long to develop this Masterplan, given that an extremely thorough and comprehensive (and expensive) Masterplan (has been) available since 2017 for review, updating and redrafting.
The Landrum and Brown report, plus the accompanying reports by TPG and To70, presented to the new batch of councillors in November 2017, was thrown out at their first meeting by the anti-airport majority.
It never got to the stage of public consultation or exhibition.
Landrum and Brown stated in the Executive Summary that: “The Central Coast Aviation Hub (CCAH) will provide an integrated aviation, manufacturing, research and education precinct that encompasses the airport and surrounding lands compatibly zoned to complement the primary aviation usage.
“CCAH development will … (provide) ongoing capacity and opportunities for the general aviation, corporate, business and training sectors”.
The reports included runway and taxiway upgrades and many other proposals that are repeated in this latest Masterplan.
So, what’s so different in this new Masterplan eight years on?
For goodness sake, just get on with it.
Email, Feb 19
Geoff Robertson, The Entrance
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