Health specialists gather for symposium

Professor Nick Goodwin

This week researchers, clinicians, research organisations and community stakeholders are gathering at the Central Coast Clinical School and Research Institute to share ideas, best practice and present findings from research projects and pilots conducted on the Central Coast.

The three-day event is the fifth Research and Innovation Symposium hosted by Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) and has been developed in partnership with the University of Newcastle.

Delegates attend workshops, network and hear from 60 different presenters – all showcasing innovative and exciting pilots and research projects conducted on the Central Coast.

Professor Nick Goodwin, CCLHD Director of Research, said the Central Coast was emerging as a regional centre for research.

“The symposium celebrates the Central Coast’s unique contribution to research and innovation in health and healthcare,” he said.

One study to be showcased at the symposium is the CLEEN study (the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection study).

Conducted at Gosford Hospital and led by Professor Brett Mitchell, the CLEEN study is the first randomised controlled study in the world to provide level 1 evidence on the impact of additional cleaning of shared equipment on rates of hospital acquired infections.

he study demonstrates the critical role of dedicated cleaning protocols in infection prevention and has implications for healthcare systems worldwide.

A local pilot study which has significantly improved patients’ daily lives will also be presented by study leader and cancer nurse Jacqueline Jagger.

The pilot offered patients with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer, the opportunity to self-administer their cancer drug, bortezomib at home.

Interviews conducted as part of the study reveal that the self-administration program significantly improved patients’ daily lives, with time savings the most frequently reported benefit.

Professor Goodwin is looking forward to highlighting the size and scale of research efforts here on the Coast.

“The symposium gives us the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the impact our research teams are having in improving health outcomes and experiences for our community here on the Central Coast and also nationwide and internationally,” he said.