Family in black hole after phone line cut

An Ourimbah family is in the middle of a customer service nightmare. 

The family in Brush Rd has been without internet connection for 13 days now (as at February 18) after Central Coast Council accidentally cut their telecommunications landline on February 5.

While the kids think its great because they can’t do their homework, which is all done on line, their parents are worried at their vulnerability in an emergency.

They can’t make any phone calls or use their computers.

Their nearest neighbours are more than half a kilometre away.

The NBN doesn’t come as far as their house so the family relies on the landline for all internet communications as well as phone calls, including mobiles.

Most neighbours use Starlink so the extent of the problem is confined mainly to the one family.

Council apologised to the family and contacted Telstra on their behalf in an attempt to get the problem fixed. 

But the family has seen no end to their problems despite two Members of Parliament – one state, one federal – trying to help.

The problem began when communication lines were inadvertently damaged during roadworks along Brush and Edye Rds at Ourimbah on Wednesday, February 5.

Council emailed the family – noting it had tried to ring them “numerous times today”.

“I can confirm that Telstra was advised immediately … of this incident,” Council said.

“A technician from Telstra contacted Council on Wednesday afternoon to advise that they have investigated and there appears to be contributing factors for the low hanging wire, being that the pole showed evidence of rotting, possibly causing the pole to shift. 

“They also mentioned that this asset is the responsibility of NBN and (they) would forward a fault ticket onto them. 

“Therefore, I contacted NBN today to follow up on this and they advised that you (as customer) would need to contact your internet/telephone provider to advise them that you do not have any service. 

“I then followed this up with Telstra (hoping it was your provider) who confirmed that it is their responsibility, however, you would need to contact them. 

“If Telstra is your provider, can you please call 132 203 and ask to speak to the complaints department, given that the incorrect information was provided to you. 

“Can you also advise that the Case ID number provided … as this may assist with moving forward with reinstating your service. 

“We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused to you.”

The family received a text message from Telstra after they had contacted Member for Dobell Emma McBride for help.

The family contacted Member for Dobell Emma McBride for help

Telstra said the job was listed for March 14.

After explaining this seemed ludicrous and asking if contact with the telecommunications industry ombudsman (TIO) would move things along, the family received another text.

“I have requested immediate escalation and review of this matter to NBN via our pathways,” the Telstra representative said.

“You are more than welcome to reach out to the TIO as your external escalation point, just provide them your case number to avoid duplicates. 

“Where my team sits the case would stay with me and the existing escalation paths, there isn’t really a higher escalation point past where you are. 

“This case is technically being treated already as a priority under CEO/Member of Parliament escalations.  

“I don’t have an ETA to compare to the 14/3, this date will be set as a goal post under the CSG (customer service guarantee) guidelines/requirements.”

Meanwhile the family has no internet, phone or mobile service.

“My son missed the train this week as the bus broke down,” the mother told Coast Community News.

“He couldn’t contact me to let me know until I left home to collect him from Ourimbah train station. 

“My 12-year-old had to wait at Wyong station for me to collect him from there.

“I was late as he wasn’t able to contact me.

“Gosh it’s been a challenging week.”

Coast Community News has contacted Telstra through the media channels as directed on its website.