Discover the beauty of cacti and succulents

The Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Club is on the lookout for new members

If you’re fascinated by the beauty of cacti and succulents, why not join the Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Club – a green thumb’s paradise.

Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, the Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Club is the perfect place to share your passion, expand your knowledge, and connect with fellow plant enthusiasts. 

The club is now in its 43rd year on the Coast and is on the lookout for new members.

Presently, the club meets on the third Saturday of every month at Charmhaven Community Hall, 4 Narara Ave, Charmhaven, from 1pm to 3pm, with plant sales kicking off at 12:30pm.

A search is underway for a more centralised place for the monthly meetings.

Each meeting is packed with informative workshops, knowledgeable speakers, plant competitions, and a friendly community of like-minded gardeners.

Plus, participants can browse a selection of stunning plants for sale and try their luck in the monthly raffle. 

Twice a year, the club hosts two major sales events where people can discover rare and beautiful cacti and succulents.

The Autumn sale is held on the first Saturday in March and the Spring sale is held on the first Saturday in September.

Both events offer an incredible selection of plants, expert advice, and a chance to meet passionate growers. 

Whether you are looking to expand your collection, learn new growing techniques, or simply want to enjoy a great afternoon out, the Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Club welcomes you. 

For more information, contact the club by email – or find the club on Facebook-