Where are the EV chargers?

I do not own a car (too expensive, and public transport suffices for my needs), but if I did then it would be an EV (electric vehicle).

However, travelling around the Gosford area I have yet to see an EV charger.

Doesn’t anyone on the Coast own such a vehicle?

And if so, how on earth do they charge it; parked in their driveways overnight?

Email, Jan 13
Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

3 Comments on "Where are the EV chargers?"

  1. Agreed. There should be more EV chargers around our area. The few that we do have either don’t work or are always iced.

  2. You could have a local electrician setup a charger at your home.

  3. I have been driving my EV since March 24, prior to my purchase , I had a battery and “charger” set up at my home. I had noticed a lack of charging infrastructure while I was choosing my car and the situation hasn’t really improved. I’m happy to charge at home. It’s free to drive.

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