Traffic changes on Henry Parry Dr

Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions on Henry Parry Dr at East Gosford from January 5 to carry out work to improve line marking between Compton St, North Gosford, and York St, East Gosford.

To minimise impact to motorists, work starting on Sunday January will be carried out from 6pm to 5am, Sunday to Thursday nights and is expected to be completed over four weeks, with workers spending one night at each location.

Traffic control, including a single lane closure and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists while the maintenance work is carried out.

There will be no impacts to freight or oversize and/or overmass vehicles during this work.

Motorists are advised to drive to the conditions and follow the directions of signs and traffic control.

For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW app, visit or call 132 701.

1 Comment on "Traffic changes on Henry Parry Dr"

  1. ” Traffic changes Henry Parry Dr “. All l hear is from this article is the poor motorists won’t be affected. What about the local residents who have to put up with the noise of these works all night. l assuming l will get no sleep, then expected to go to work to pay taxes. All l can say is well done to an already incompetence filled government of NSW.

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