School zones are back next week- but will you notice?

School zones are back in force next week

School starts next week and 40km zones are back in action, with safety issues driving changes at two Peninsula schools.

The chances are that most Central Coast kids will be driven to school.

Research for insurance company AAMI found only one third of Aussie kids were allowed to walk, bike or scoot to school alone.

The rest get driven to school but AAMI’s research found one in four drivers admits to speeding through the 40km school zones.

The research findings were compiled through a national survey with a representative sample of 1,000 Australians aged 18 or over.

AAMI said the research revealed alarming insights on dangerous driving behaviours Aussies admit to in and around school zones including: a quarter admit to speeding through school zones because they didn’t notice signs; more than one in ten (12 per cent) do not always follow school ‘Drop and Go’ zone rules; 12 per cent admit to speeding through school zones when they don’t see any children around; 12 per cent admit to being distracted by their phone while driving or queuing in a school drop off zone and 11 per cent have double parked or stopped in the middle of the road in front of their children’s school.

Additionally, the research found that more than a quarter (28 per cent) of Australian drivers were confused
about school zone speed limits and times, while 22 per cent of Aussie parents were confused about their
children’s school ‘Drop and Go’ zone rules.

Russell White, Chair and Founder of the Australian Road Safety Foundation AAMI’s research findings revealed that Australians are driving recklessly in and around school zones and need to pay attention to speed limits and rules that have been put in place to keep children safe.

“Speed signs in school zones have been around for decades, so there is no excuse to be confused by them or
to be caught speeding during those designated times,” he said.

There will some changes at Woy Woy Public School

Changes are in place at two schools on the Woy Woy Peninsula to address safety concerns.

Parents dropping kids off at Woy Woy Public School will find a few changes in Bowden Rd.

Following a number of requests from the community regarding issues with parking infringements, Central Coast Council has removed the Bus Zone in that road.

It was no longer being used by the bus company serving the school.

Council consulted with the school, school community representatives, and Department of Education and the bus zone was removed in January, increasing kerbside parking for parents picking up and dropping off at the school. 

Further changes are under investigation.

Council is preparing draft concept plans which are likely to include modifications to the Accessible Parking, relocation of the No Parking (Kiss and Drop) and construction of footpaths and pram ramps to support proposed kerbside changes. 

Further community consultation and referrals to the Local Traffic Committee take place in the first half of 2025.

Changes will occur too this year at Brisbane Water Secondary College, Umina Beach campus.

Central Coast Council’s traffic committee minutes record that Council officers recently met with the Department of Education and school representatives to discuss student access, pick up and drop off concerns.

Other issues include the lack of a pedestrian crossing; uncontrolled traffic and pedestrian movements; drivers impatient with queuing dropping kids off on the wrong side of the road.

Funding has been allocated to complete design works to improve conditions, says Council.

The school community can expect to be consulted for feedback on the plans in the first half of this year.

Meanwhile, State Government maintenance work undertaken over the summer break has included:more than $345,000 to upgrade metalwork classrooms at Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College and $655,000 to demolish an aging Covered Outdoor Learning Area and replace it with a new facility at Terrigal Public School.