First family history meeting of the year

Bernadette Flynn

Bernadette Flynn will be the guest speaker at Central Coast Family History Society’s next meeting on February 1.

She will focus on the theme Experiencing History – Communicating the past in the present.

As director and founder of Heritage Ventures she will outline techniques for making history come alive with a specific focus on the Lower Hawkesbury River.

She is researching, developing and implementing these concepts about our historic district.

Webs of human connection and stories of place are just a few strategies she will discuss in relation to the Spencer, Mangrove Creek area of the Lower Hawkesbury River.

Using examples from her actual program of activities and events planned for 2025, she will outline the act and art of history telling for diverse audiences.

The first Saturday meeting of the new year will be held at 1pm on Saturday, February 1, in the Lions Community Hall, 3/8 Russell Drysdale St, East Gosford.