Narara Ecovillage has obtained a second fire trailer to help protect its 170 residents from possible Summer bushfires.
With one Community Fire Unit (CFU) trailer in longtime operation, the village has a second in the works thanks to the number of volunteer firefighters in the village (18 and rising).
“We’re grateful for the chance to get a second trailer to help us protect homes as Stage 2 is built to offer a line of protection for over 170 residents of Narara Ecovillage,” Team CFU Coordinator Mark O’Brien said.
“Over the past five years the whole community has rallied to the challenge of thinning-out vegetation to prevent bushfire threats.
“These all-community events are run by our CFU members through the Winter and although they can be hard work we find people really enjoy sharing a well-earned lunch and the chance to work alongside neighbours and volunteers, and then we get to admire the incredible results of our collective effort!”
O’Brien runs the ecovillage CFU crew with monthly summer drills and rehearsals to build morale, skills and trust along with good communication
“It can be a little challenging to tog up in fire protective gear in 40-degree heat carrying mattocks and hoses,” he said.
But he said volunteers have bonded over their sometimes-hot workouts and always look forward to getting together.
“Fire safety is everyone’s number one summer responsibility,” he said.
“With our hot Aussie summers, lightning storms and climate change cranking up the temperatures, we need to be vigilant and practice prevention.”
His top 5 tips for practicing fire safety include: clearing gutters; completing a family fire plan; having a list on the fridge of what you’ll take if you have to leave in a hurry; and joining your local Community Fire Unit for fun, fitness and fire safety knowledge.

He said ecovillage building requirements already include high fire-safe requirements on exterior house cladding.
“The 8+ NatHERS sustainable homes ratings ensures that all homes stay cool in Central Coast summers and require minimal energy for both heating and cooling,” he said.
“Every ecovillage home has ample solar and the village has its own community battery to run the village in severe conditions if there is a power cut.
“It’s good to know the ecovillage was designed with gravity-fed fire hydrants placed every 50 metres around and through the village streets making access to high-pressure water secure even if the power is off.
“Fire safety is big picture and small picture; prevention and preparation.
“The more people involved the better and it’s been incredible to share in the joint awareness and see the massive results of community efforts so far.”
For more information on sustainable fire-safe homes and eco-building go to or attend the monthly Open Day; the next will be held on January 25.
You can contact the village on 4328 1588.