Clinical plan to address maternity services

Maternity services will be maintained in Gosford. Photo NSW Health

Minister for the Central Coast and Member or Wyong David Harris has reassured Central Coast women their maternity needs will continue to be met in the region.

He said the Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) is developing a clinical services plan to address both the closure of Gosford Private Hospital’s maternity services and the region’s projected population growth.

“Last week the Member for The Entrance (David Mehan), the Member for Gosford (Liesl Tesch), a representative for the Member for Swansea (Yasmin Catley) and I met with executives from the CCLHD, the NSW Ministry of Health and Minister for Health Ryan Park’s office to express the concerns of the Central Coast community about maternity service provision on the Coast,” Harris said.

“The CCLHD is developing a Clinical Services Plan for Women, Children and Families on the Central Coast.

“It’s important to note there is no reduction in public maternity services on the Central Coast and expectant mothers wishing to have their birth on the Coast will be able to do so.

“Gosford Hospital provides 24-hour midwifery, obstetric, anaesthetic and paediatric support including a Special Care Nursery to support the maternity needs of the Central Coast community.

“Wyong Hospital also continues to provide care through the Midwifery Group Practice and Gosford outreach midwife-led Antenatal Clinic.”

Harris said in late 2023, the CCLHD introduced a Midwifery Group Practice Homebirth Service to provide local women with more choice about where they gave birth.

“We were advised the CCLHD is actively recruiting specialist maternity clinician staff,” he said.

“I look forward to viewing the Clinical Services Plan which is being developed to ensure the maternity needs of the Central Coast community continue to be met.”