Why no vapes crackdown?

Readers' forum letters

The last time I checked, vapes can only be sold at pharmacies with a prescription.

So why is a shop blatantly advertising them on Mann St, Gosford?

Even more bizarre, there is a police station just down the road.

I guess the cops have better things to do than shut down illegal traders that are accessible to minors.

Email, Dec 2
Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

1 Comment on "Why no vapes crackdown?"

  1. John Codrington | December 7, 2024 at 9:44 am |

    The exorbitant costs to the Australian health system from the illnesses and effects caused by these devices and cigarettes, its about time ALL politicians grew some appendages and bite the bullet and ban these items from Australia, period. The bulk of the Australian tax payers are being forced to subsidise and pay for the health imposts for a minority. Some people might say that’s a restriction of freedom, I say at what cost to the majority of Australian taxpayers. The health aspects will be enormous if the money saved can be redirected into other medical research.

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