I am 86 years old with a walking stick and on Friday, December 6 I caught the (new Mariyung) 9.33am train from platform 1 at Gosford.
What a disappointment; why did the government approve these trains?
Seats are fixed, too narrow and with not enough leg room compared with the old purple carriages.
The worst part was trying to get on as the step up was over 20cm.
How do people with wheels get on without difficulty?
Why haven’t the unions complained about this?
Getting off at Central was a little easier with about half the drop.
I was not aware of a disabled car but I would assume the floor is the same level.
(This is an) unacceptable design for the billions spent and I will be avoiding them and warning people where possible.
Email, Dec 8
Peter Cohen, Davistown
Good luck avoiding them, they are replacing ALL the other intercity trains over the next 12 months.
Mate where have you been for the last few years?
The Union’s have been doing an amazing amount of publicity and industrial activity in regards to the new train, from the seats to how it was to be operated.
Apparently there were plenty of surveys in the planning stage and this is what they claim people wanted.