Lots of ways to repurpose library

Readers' forum letters

I am in favour of keeping the library building in Kibble Park and repurposing it for use by the community.

The building could be leased out for commercial return, cafe, restaurant, office space, music venue, information centre for tourists; these are just a few suggestions.

I am aware there are many plans in the pipeline for changes to Gosford Regional Gallery including the Community Gallery.

At the moment many different groups rent this space to show their works for purchase by members of the community.

The potters are there this week and in the last month the creative craft group have been there with items for purchase for Christmas gifts.

Next year this space will not be available for their use.

This is one example of how the library could be repurposed giving space to artists, art groups and clever craft groups to display their works for sale.

I am aware of some of the architectural features that also make this an important building to keep.

The library could be part of a tourist attraction if promoted properly.

Remember when the government wanted to destroy the Rocks area in Sydney?

Luckily it was saved for the future.

The same needs to happen to the library In Kibble Park.

Email, Dec 3
Helen Ingle, East Gosford