Lack of planning leads to DA backlog

It’s hard to fathom how Central Coast Council can quickly go from one disaster to another, particularly so when ratepayers are still paying for past Council sins.

How else do you interpret Coast Community News report (CCN 467) on the assessment of development applications.

Mayor Lawrie McKinna said, “a lack of experienced staff in the department had led to a backlog.  In the first quarter last year we were 20 staff members short in the Planning Department.  But we are investing $8M to bring in senior staff, with nine senior positions to fill including a new director”.

A bit late isn’t it? 

And where was Council CEO David Farmer when all this was happening?

Little to no planning at Central Coast Council despite hefty salaries being paid to executive staff should scare the pants off every ratepayer on the Central Coast.

Because how is it possible that the department responsible for assessing development applications can find itself 20 staff short and the resulting extended delays in DA’s being assessed? 

Coast Community News 467 edition stated Central Coast Council was taking an average of 142 days for a DA to be assessed. 

That was more than double their own target.

Indeed, it said the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure had even more up-to-date figures that showed the average figure at the end of October for the Central Coast was 156 days. 

With a CEO being paid in advance of $500k per annum how is it possible the most important department within Council can find itself 20 staff short and not have a plan in place for recruitment until some nine to 12 months later?

And why does it take Councillor Doug Eaton to raise the issue and then the new mayor to make such statements?

Surely, it was an operational matter and one the CEO or director responsible should have been all over and never missed a beat.

How many dollars has Council’s failure to process DAs in a timely manner cost builders and homeowners alike? 

Don’t forget, most DAs are for new build homes, additions and renovations to homes.

It’s not limited to high-rise buildings. 

Central Coast Council loves to say it’s the third biggest Council in NSW, how about it starts to love looking after our money and run a good operation that focuses on its core business. 

How about becoming number one for the fastest and most efficient Council for processing DAs.  That would be a wonderful start.

Email, Dec 11

Kerry Ruffels, Wamberal