Knock down the library

Readers' forum letters

Why do some people want to save Gosford library (CCN 466)?

It’s been years since the Brisbane Water County Council building and clock tower was heritage listed and look at it now.

If one heritage-listed building cannot be utilised, how do they think utilising the library is going to work out?

Fix one problem before creating another.

Next the do-gooders will try and heritage list the old empty Gosford council building opposite the defunct BWCC building.

Knock down the library and fix some potholes.

Email, Nov 26
Jeff Tildesley, Kincumber

1 Comment on "Knock down the library"

  1. whacky economics ..
    how does spending mega $$ demolishing the library and making good the site allow more $$ for potholes ?

    it doesn’t ..

    nor does Council own the former BWCC building .. that’s why it can be utilised

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