Greyhound racing culture rotten

Readers' forum letters

We noted with alarm the letter from Bill Deguara, a Greyhound Racing NSW participant (CCN 467).

The unmistakable undercurrent (was) industry dogs will be killed if compassionate people continue to demand an end to commercial greyhound racing in NSW.

This gambling-fuelled industry only rehomes one dog for every four it breeds annually.

That’s generally known as the factory farming of dogs and, worse, the industry’s operating model of overbreeding and wastage continues as it always has.

It’s not a matter of “accidents”; the injury and death rates are abhorrent, with NSW deemed the most lethal state for greyhound deaths in 2023.

The culture is rotten to the core as the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) investigations continue to evidence.

Nothing has changed.

While Greyhound Racing NSW participants earn a tax free income of $60 per dog per race, NSW taxpayers are picking up the tab for the ‘mythical’ safe tracks ($30M), and to fund GWIC, the statutory regulator hopelessly out of its depth with an industry incapable of change.

These gentle dogs pay the ultimate price with injuries, abuse and death.

It’s time to shut down this dog killing industry.

Email, Nov 27
Lisa Ryan, Regional Campaigns Manager, Animal Liberation

2 Comments on "Greyhound racing culture rotten"

  1. I respond to the email Dec 12,from Lisa Ryan, Regional Campaign Manager, Animal Liberation . Her suggestion that the greyhound culture is rotten to the core is offensive. To then say that the greyhounds are tortured is highly offensive. Offensive to all those that work so hard in the industry. Her righteous, holier than thou attitude wants to paint the people involved in greyhound racing as heartless, uncaring cruel people. This cannot be further than from the truth. The level of care, the kenneling, the diet, the veterinary health, the exercise, the grooming far exceeds what we see in most animal ownership. Owners & trainers DO have a heart although you wouldn’t think so reading her letter. We love our greyhounds. We do our best for our greyhounds. Her claims are out of touch with reality.
    For her to say nothing has changed in the industry is simply disinformation aimed with a highly biased agenda. Regulations within the greyhound industry today are chalk and cheese when compared with a decade ago. I get it- this Animal Liberation mob would like to end greyhound racing, and horse racing as well, along with all pet ownership and no farming of any animals at all – we will all have to learn to eat grass. The point is just because they choose to live a vegan lifestyle doesn’t mean they should demand that we all should as well. Instead of working against these industries wanting to close them all down they should be working with them to improve perceived areas needing attention.

  2. I totally agree with Ms. Ryan. I find the racing of any animals abhorrent and medieval. Hopefully soon these “sports” will be stopped just like we finally did with bear baiting and other “entertainment”. I would have expected humans to have evolved more but because these spectacles are niche they manage to fly under the radar. History will judge us on how we treat the powerless, unfortunately there is still an attitude that animals don’t count that they don’t feel pain, that they are of lesser worth. I am careful not anthropomorphise I find this kind of exploitation barbaric. Can we really consider ourselves the morally superior species?

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