The free Legal Topics for Seniors Diary 2025, produced by Legal Aid NSW, is now available and covers information from staying safe from social media scams to reverse mortgages and tenants advice.
A diverse range of legal issues is covered in the diary, including driving and fines, disputes between neighbours, wills and planning ahead and elder abuse.
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch is inviting seniors to collect a free copy from her office at 20 Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy.
“The Legal Topics For Seniors Diary is ever popular, so I encourage seniors to visit during business hours to take home a copy,” she said.
“They tend to disappear off the front counter quite quickly.
“From accessing difficult-to-find important information needed to access government services to legal topics and seniors’ rights, this diary brings together many important topics in one place in an easy to navigate diary.”
Diaries are also available from local libraries, local Legal Aid NSW offices, some community legal centres and Aboriginal Legal Service offices.
They can also be ordered online at
Seniors are also encouraged to bookmark the NSW Seniors Festival web page to be alerted to the both the latest NSW Seniors Festival announcements and to find out when free tickets become available to the 2025 Premier’s Gala Concerts.
In 2025 the Premier’s Gala Concerts will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 12 and 13.
Important website links include the Premier’s Gala Concerts and the NSW Seniors Festival website.
“Seniors make a valuable contribution to our communities and providing complimentary concert tickets is a way of saying thanks,” Tesch said.