Central Coast Council has awarded funding to 42 local community groups, non-profit organisations and businesses through the annual Community Grants Program to support projects that positively impact the Central Coast community.
The grants program provides eligible applicants with up to $20,000 in funding to deliver quality programs, events and projects within 18 months.
Council Director Community and Recreation Services Melanie Smith said the grant programs build connections and celebrate the local community with programs, events and activities that align with the Community Strategic Plan and the theme of Belonging.
“Council continues to work with local community organisations to connect people and create local solutions and initiatives that enrich our neighbourhoods and create a tapestry of shared experiences and social cohesion,” she said.
“On Tuesday, December 10, an afternoon tea was held at Council’s function rooms to recognise successful grant applicants of the Community Development Grant Program and Community Events and Place Activation Grant Program and provide the opportunity for recipients to engage with each other.”
Central Coast Mayor Lawrie McKinna said programs help implement exciting activities that activate town centres, foreshores, lakes and open spaces for families, visitors and the wider region.
“Funding from the Community Grants Program is essential for sustainable community development, which will enhance the quality of life of our residents and benefit future generations,” he said.
The Community Development Grant Program received 50 applications this year, with 23 recommended for funding totalling $261,077.
The Community Events and Place Activation Grant Program received 34 applications with 19 recommended for funding totalling $285,175.
For more information, search ‘Community Development Grants Program’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov