The Greens are ramping up calls for the closure of the greyhound racing industry after 20 dogs were injured in a single meeting recently.
Greens spokesperson for the Central Coast and NSW Spokesperson for Animal Welfare Abigail Boyd said there had been at least 228 greyhounds injured on the Gosford track so far this year – about five per week.
Gosford was the first track upgraded under the NSW Government’s $30M safe tracks program, at a cost of $762,570, in 2018.
The then Minister for Racing Paul Toole said at the time that the improvements would make Gosford “one of the safest tracks in Australia”.
Boyd said Greyhound Racing NSW had been under scrutiny for years for failing to ensure all tracks were compliant with their own minimum standards for racecourse design and construction, despite the racing body and its clubs being granted tens of millions of dollars by the former NSW Government to carry out capital grants safety upgrades.
“Gosford is supposed to be one of the safest tracks in Australia, and yet we’re still seeing shocking numbers of injuries,” she said.
“If the safest track in Australia can still end up with 20 injuries in a single event, it’s obvious it’s the act of racing itself that is dangerous.
“What more evidence do we need to demonstrate that the greyhound racing industry is incapable of reform?
“Even when hundreds of thousands of dollars of public money are spent on so-called safety upgrades, dogs are still being terribly injured and dying at a horrifying rate.
“The Minister for Racing (Wyong MP David Harris) is allowing this to happen in his own backyard, at the only track near his electorate on the Central Coast.
“Place this story in the context of the steady drumbeat of leaks that have so shocked and appalled the public in recent months, of greyhound abuse and neglect by industry participants, and you have to ask at what point does this government finally say enough is enough?
“How many last chances will the NSW Government give this industry?
“Time and again the greyhound racing industry has proven itself incapable of reform, with zero regard for either greyhound welfare or accountability.
“I’m calling on Minister for Racing David Harris to finally put an end to the suffering of these gentle and affectionate companion animals and shut this industry down for good.”

But the plea is likely to fall on deaf ears.
Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said he was aware the November 12 meeting had been abandoned after multiple dogs sustained injuries.
“I am advised by the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) – who had stewards and a vet present at the meeting – the majority of injuries were abrasions to the dogs’ paws, incurred as they slowed to stop post-race,” Harris said.
“I am also advised the pre-meeting track inspection conducted by GWIC showed up no issues.
“I have been informed GWIC has investigated the matter with track owners, the NSW Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers Association who have since conducted a full renovation of the track with Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) to correct the sand profile.
“I have also been informed GWIC stewards will conduct an inspection of the track to determine its suitability for racing before the next scheduled meeting.
“Any incidents of greyhound injuries are concerning.
“The NSW Government supports a greyhound racing industry with the highest standards of animal welfare and integrity.”
Terry Collins
Shut the whole industry down! Greyhound racing is cruel and we are left to pick up the pieces and pay the vet bills when we adopt all the ex racers!
Again its looks like grandstanding from greens , is it 20 injuries or paw abrasions from a problem with sand in pull up area , people won’t race their dogs knowing it’s hazardous plus , the industry improvements to tracks is on going and greyhound welfare never been more paramount the industry is one the most thriving and progressive in the country ,every greyhound bred is inspected once or twice a year by gwic to check on their health this itself is a degree of care in a nutshell. domestic market does not have this scrutiny we are miles ahead in welfare . The current drake enquiry hopefully as requested by participants will be concentrating on ending the lies , long over due !
100% Agreed
This is an appalling industry.
I own an ex-racer, beautiful, gentle loyal dog. It is criminal what affect racing has on these dogs.
Shame on all you in this industry.
David Harris MP, always says:
“The NSW Government supports a greyhound racing industry with the highest standards of animal welfare and integrity.”
He never defines what those standards are, or what sort of integrity he is talking about.
I think these standards are left up to the imagination of those who read that statement.
My question to David Harris is; can you please explain what the highest standards of animal welfare and integrity are?
Have you ever asked the dogs if they like racing? No cause they can’t talk you just think do. They love to run and play.Racing got nothing to do safety and health of animals only the money you can make from them. What a heartless world we live in.
If there is a problem with Gosford, then shut it down until it is rectified. The Greens use manipulation tactics with their statistics by failing to show the % of injured greyhounds out of how many greyhounds race. When you look at the REAL statistics, it is about 0.000000005 of greyhounds getting injured on the track, when compared to out of how many raced & didn’t get injured
If 20 injuries at 1 event equals 0.000000005% rate of injury then there would have to be something like 200 Billion dogs at the meet. Come on mate, do better
Get rid of all dog ownership if you bar greyhound racing as keeping dogs as prisoners in flats and small back yards with a walk on a leash is just as cruel
so your admitting it’s a cruel sport,,,I have fostered a ex racing greyhound ands it’s has a sore back and hind leg from racing,,
Can’t believe this minority would even get their voice heard, but yeah enough idiot politicians will take up their cause, but just remember we vote! 🤔
@ Patrick Murphy
put your hand in your pocket and apply for an owners licence you will quickly find out what the highest standards are
GWIC ENSURE the welfare of these Beautiful dogs,thatLove the chasing and competition!
Alternatively visit and read the GWIC website, and find the facts for Yourself!!
my bet is you won’t
Cancel culture is alive and well my comment was deleted, who is Abigail Boyd, funny these opionated playing God have no idea, but God put these dogs here for no other reason than to run!
This industry should be so ashamed. These poor creatures forced to race and treated like a commodity not a living beautiful animal. I’ve seen horrific injuries due to the strain and pressure they go through. Shut it down once and for all.
Thank you for such a detailed response Sophie, obviously you are a highly trained Veterinary professional to present such a comment about the “horrific injuries” you have witnessed… what absolute rubbish, greyhounds are the best kept, healthy and fitness conditioned athletes – if pet owners were controlled and held to the same strict conditions then the majority would be deregistered by Councils
Unbelievable rubbish imagine depriving the Dogs what they were born to do they absolutely love going to the races.The industry has had a big overhaul and it’s great to see the progress that’s been made.The horses have more reported deaths than greyhounds in 2023 and you don’t need a whip for the greyhounds to run nothing to see here other than the filthy greens grabbing headlines.
we need big tracks,like the old Cessnock an Maitland,and straight tracks like Wyong,and appin,sand and lome,must be watered before and after meetings
my question is,has McGrath foundation paid all the money back to the Greyhound industry..
How about shutting down the rich peoples sport, horse racing. oh no you can’t do that because there’s big money rolling around there, they’re just as cruel with horses if not more
Well here we go again close this close that. One greyhound support 29 jobs racing as a whole supports around 50% of the Australian workforce in some way.i have my own greyhounds that i bred and about to race they love to run.why don’t you greenie go and crawl back under the log where you come from and come back when you have 50% plus Australia behind you
Muppets, Muppets, koalas maybe extinct by 2050, foxes, cats rapind and pillaging their way across the country wiping out countless native species, and these pelicans are talking about the Greyhound industry #politicians don’t care about Australia
sounds like they don’t know what they are even talking about. the greyhound has been an amazing community for many many years. those of us who grew up amongst it know track dogs are the most cared for of probably any canine anywhere. those greyhounds are our literal bread and butter, why would we not love and care for them? they have the best vet care, and the best products money could buy, literally. A sand toe, where the sand gets up on the dogs nails is classified as an injury. As I said, they have the best care and will continue to stand by and support the industry many of us love and live for.
btw greyhounds were literally bred to race and one able to witness these beautiful creatures at a track know they LOVE it. house pups play fetch, collies round up sheep, wolf hounds hunt boar and greyhounds race, that is the purpose
people need to realise GAP dogs are retired and are not track dogs, big difference. lastly Abigail who are you ? no one even knows who you are. 🙄
it’s my belief that most injuries occurr on the first bends when collisions happen as greyhounds jostle to position.
Starting boxes should be taken metres back to allow greyhounds to have time and space to form an even line.
Obviously, finish line cameras would also have to be altered
So the truth is not aloud
If injuries during a competitive event is cruel and the major concern and reason you want it shut down you will need to stop all physical competition as injuries cannot be avoided just minimized. A non exhaustive list would then have to include all contact sport. There can be no exceptions to this because you cannot pick and choose just because you like or dislike an activity. If we are doing it simply because you think that racing dogs is to collect money without feeling for the animals involved, then I ask you to explain why it is ok to euthenaise a dieing animal but not a human who you will keep in an almost vegetative state so long as you are being paid to do so.