Six outstanding Central Coast students have been presented with Good Citizenship awards by the Probus Club of Gosford West.
Corey Spicer and Isaac Freeman from Glenvale School, Madeleine Pugh and William Mallinson from Point Clare Public School, and Elise Bell and Max Gross from Henry Kendall High School received their awards during a special ceremony on November 14 at Narara Community Centre.
Awards have been given to two students from each of these schools for the past 40 years by the Probus Club.
The principal and staff of each school choose two students to receive the award each year.
Criteria for awards are: meritorious conduct both in and out of the classroom; diligence in performing allotted tasks; and compassion toward other children.
It was the second time Max Gross had received the award, having first received it four years ago as a Point Clare Public School student.
Present on the presentation day were Probus President Bevan Coulson and club members, principals or representatives of each school and students’ families.
The students were given a plaque with their name, school and the criteria engraved on it.
They also received a framed certificate and a book voucher.
There is also a perpetual shield for each school, with individual names added each year.