Ramifications of an industry shutdown

Readers' forum letters

Does Abigail Boyd realise what she is asking for (Renewed call to shut down greyhound racing industry, CCN 465)?

Does she realise the ramifications a closing down of the greyhound industry would cause?

There are approximately eight or nine thousand greyhounds in NSW; racing, puppies and young ones ready to race as well as adopted.

What do you think would happen to these beautiful greyhounds if this should happen?

In my opinion there is only one answer and it’s not a very pleasant one.

We all know accidents happen every week in all manner of sports.

Email, Nov 23
Bill Deguara, Woongarrah

1 Comment on "Ramifications of an industry shutdown"

  1. So, the industry should carry on breeding greyhounds to their $heart’s content, discard the ones not fast enough to race.

    That’s the wretched nature of the greyhound (and horse) racing industry.

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