No more pet projects

Readers' forum letters

It comes as no surprise to me that (Central Coast Councillor) Doug Eaton introduced a Motion regarding Central Coast Airport at Warnervale.

I fully expect him to introduce other former pet projects at future Council meetings.

When candidates for the recent Council elections were announced I was disappointed to see Doug Eaton was chosen as a potential representative for Budgewoi.

I was stunned when he won a seat.

How could people forget the wasted time and money spent on another of his pet projects – the Chinese theme park and temple complex?

Not to mention $30,000 spent on the ‘civic chain’.

As a long-time resident I have seen my rates rise steadily every year while maintenance of existing infrastructure has declined.

On top of that there has been an increase in population which has resulted in ever more clearing of bushland and loss of habitat for local wildlife.

Infrastructure has not kept pace with this growth.

An example of this is the widening of the Pacific Hwy through Wyong.

Years of research and supposed planning and still nothing.

By the time it is finally constructed it will be a case of too little too late.

I sincerely hope that this time round Doug Eaton does not railroad Council into adopting his pet projects.

Instead, Council needs to maintain focus on vital works residents need, and deserve, now.

Email, Nov 11
Rosalyn Dyne, Gorokan

2 Comments on "No more pet projects"

  1. It’s marvellous what you can achieve with a little help from some friends.

  2. Vested interests have no place in your unbiased and fair representation of all rate payers Mr Eaton. Please do your job

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