Central Coast residents turned out in droves for Remembrance Day services around the region on Monday, November 11.
Central Coast RSL District Council President Greg Mawson said attendances had been pleasing.
“I have had reports of many younger people attending and being involved,” he said.
“But sadly, I feel the overcast weather kept a few away.
“The Gosford service was a little down on numbers from previous years but there were a lot of new faces attending.
“We were lucky in having Federal Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid, State Member for Gosford Leisl Tesch and Central Coast Mayor Lawrie McKenna attend.

“The guard was provided by the 311 Squadron, City of Gosford Air Force Cadets who also provided Members on Parade.”
Mawson said this year was the 106th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice on the Western Front.
“Remembrance Day is all about respect and recognition for what our forefathers did and sacrificed for us over 106 years ago,” he said.
“More than 400,000 served and more than 60,000 were killed.
“Many more returned home bearing the scars of battle.
“There were many who never recovered from their injuries.”
He said while Remembrance Day was specifically for those who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War 1, we should also remember those who have paid the supreme sacrifice in wars and conflicts ever since – World War 11, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and subsequent conflicts such as Afghanistan and Iraq.