New waterway restrictions are to be introduced at Ettalong Beach, creating a Paddle Craft Only Area in response to community concerns about water safety.
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said the new restriction will mean that waterway users of all types can enjoy the beach again, with safety front of mind.
The 300m zone will be clearly marked with signage indicating the paddle craft only zone.
Disobeying the signage and using motorised vessels, including jet skis, will result in a $250 penalty notice under the Marine Safety Act.
“Since my election, I have been representing our community to Council, police and Maritime NSW about the use of jet skis along this stretch, raising concerns about the increased water traffic and unsafe interactions that occur each Summer season,” Tesch said.
“The beautiful Ettalong Beach is so popular with young families, seniors and those with accessibility needs due to the gentle waters.
“The creation of this zone will ensure that everyone can enjoy our waterways, while giving swimmers peace of mind within this paddle craft only area.
A paddle craft only area restricts water users in the prescribed area to watercraft without a motor, restricting the shoreline area to swimmers and non-motorised water users such as kayaks and SUPs (stand up paddle boards).
The change will not restrict access to the entirety of Ettalong Beach and Ettalong Channel.
“The Central Coast has some of the most beautiful waterways in Australia, and it is important that everyone is able to enjoy our waterways,” Tesch said.
“However, it is important that while using our waterways, people respect that the water is for everyone to enjoy.
“Too often, we have seen people breaking the law, or ruining the experiences of others at Ettalong Beach.
“This change is an important step to ensure that everyone can enjoy our local beaches again.”

Signage communicating the change will be in place from November 22, indicating the location of restricted swimming areas.
Maritime NSW boating safety officers will be on site over the coming weeks, undertaking community education awareness work on the change.
The introduction of the Paddle Craft Only Area will complement the introduction of the 20-knot speed limit for the Ettalong Channel in 2020.
Beachgoers who see unsafe personal watercraft use, including the breaking of new Paddle Craft Only Area rules, can contact the Personal Watercraft Complaints Line on 13 12 36.
Community members who witness any anti-social behaviour are encouraged to call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.
Yes yes yes thank you
So at 7am this morning 10 jet skis already at Patonga. The Ettalong ban will send them here.
unfortunately the restriction is limited to a very small area infront of the box, the sign is installed on the rocks near the memorial with an arrow pointing towards the box showing the restriction ara.
Between that area and the beach boat ramp (Kourung St) there’s no signage, all the noise, mess and taking over the beach at Kourung St will continue as will the parking all over the grass verges and dangerouly at the junctions.
Sadly not much of a win for the locals.
Fantastic news, finally we can enjoy the channel without the antisocial behaviour of the JetSkier . The parking problems and blocking people’s driveways will hopefully stop. This is the best Christmas present ever. Bob Carr banned them altogether from Sydney harbour, great decision. Thank you to all that have made this new law.
Looking forward to using the beach again with family and be able to have a swim.
that’s such good news, well done!!
Excellent, long overdue.
great work on Jet Ski situation. I live on the water at Booker Bay and the Jet Skis have been going non stop today to a point where we couldn’t talk over them. Send them all back to Sydney
so does that mean our peaceful woywoy bay will be invaded by jetskis if so ban them here as well
Absolutely fantastic initiative. Should be more exclusion zones .
Hello, walked along the foreshore this afternoon Sunday 24th November just next Ettalong Ferry wharf and noticed quite a few families had set up for the day, unfortunately along with numerous jet ski’s. We often head down there for a swim with our grandchildren, also the toilet block which doesn’t have showers or even a tap was being used,was fithy, sand and toilet paper everywhere. Is the restriction of jetskis going to be included in this area also,otherwise it is going to be a disaster and also unsafe for swimmers. Thankyou
We are pleased with this outcome. We are local Umina residents in our late 50s who use a JetSki in the channel. We do not launch here, we launch at Woy Woy and we just come into The Box for a coffee. Thanks for not banning us altogether. Not everyone is a “foreign idiot” as some have claimed. Some jet skiers are old buggers like us who do the right thing and ride very slowly when we enter the swimming area near the box. We ride the waves in the channel. Please ensure all the public know that we have not been banned from all of Ettalong. We have been abused if we come into beach areas which we are totally allowed to do if we do it slowly and carefully. Let’s share it fairly and safely.
I need to rectify this post. It’s actually around The Box where jetskis are excluded. So as long as people realise this. Jetskis are allowed near the sand boat ramp.
This has now pushed the problem further east towards Ferry Rd and the Ettalong Ferry wharf. It is now more dangerous than ever.
The problem has now moved in an easterly direction towards Ferry Rd and the Ettalong ferry wharf. Jet skies everywhere. Why can’t the exclusion zone also include the beach area all the way up to the ferry wharf. Much safer for everyone.
Glad to hear that some Councils, Police and Maritime see the need to come to an agreement with jetski users. Port Stephens is becoming a jetski haven with noise and dangerous riding whilst families enjoy the quiet water, swimmers, kayaks and SUP.
The clowns are a thorough nuisance. It’s about time people get more proactive. You drive a motor vehicle to fast and you will lose your licence. How about the same for the jet ski morons that break the law along with driving like idiots.
In agreement with most above. Great idea – the irresponsible behaviour of jet ski riders in the area where many young children swim has been going on for too long and shows what little regard many jet skiers have for other water users. But the restriction zone is too limited to be considered a real win. The ocean is a big place – why do they need to be around the shoreline at all once the have launched?
I am a female in my 50’s who bought my JetSki years ago , purely because it was cheaper then a boat and easy for me to manage on my own. I have loved the water all my life. I personally use my jet ski to go to little bays to be on my own or not near the majority and take a little picnic etc. you have these young group of people coming up from Sydney who are spoiling it for the locals who don’t respect living here. I believe jet skis should be limited to the locals only and yes the speed and showing off should be only used out in the open waters and only be able to go on beaches that are not popular swimming spots or high activity for families .
I have been in Ettalong local for almost 30 years
And enjoy spending time with my Kids on the jet skis
My concern is that This change providing an exclusion zone is only the start of completely banning jet skis from the area. Which would be an absolute shame for those of us who enjoy using the personal watercraft and cannot afford a boat… I can just say, be careful with the power that those yield And the slippery dip of overregulation.
It’s the worst decision made, if it’s too noisey for you go to a different beach
Our peaceful Sunday picnic off the beach at Ferry Road was spoilt by the invasion of six or more jet skis. The family get-together included our five grandchildren who spent most of the time in the water and the presence of jet skiers gunning it in and out of the beach was most concerning. I also felt for the fishermen in the channel on boats hired from Andersons’ Boat Shed. The jetski riders showed them little regard as they sped past them. I hope Andersons’ business is not adversely affected if these jetski riders are allowed to continue their irresponsible behaviour. I agree with the previous respondent who advocated a total ban on jet skis in the Ettalong channel.
They test your patience…you here them coming at 40 knots plus from a mile away like a mosquito! Being a Brisbane Waters fishermen for over 30 years; we have unfortunately seen an increase with jet ski hooning around other crafts from patonga to Narara Creek with certain demographic heroes looking for attention, and you just hope that in time, the authorities can gather enough evidence to move them on elsewhere. Assign a water park area for hoon jet ski’s away from others who use the waterways to relax and enjoy it, without the worry of them assuming everyone’s out to watch them churn up doing donuts whilst blaring their music in front of you at un safe speeds! So disrespectfully only gives the minority riding properly a bad name.
All the locals including my husband and I are fed up with these jet ski hoons it is no longer our peaceful safe haven to swim . My husband is a daily swimmer not long ago on his usual swim three jet skiers planted themselves in his path so he had to stop and go around them not once but twice on the same day just to be annoying this sort of behaviour needs to stop they need to be banned altogether they are rude also on the road and block people off while they have a chat in the middle of the road honestly fed up
I don’t know why you even bothered closing down this boat ramp if it’s not being enforced or a paddle craft only restriction being implemented across the whole of this area. Just today there were people launching jetskis from this area, regardless of the boat ramp being closed, and pulling into the shore. Then going dangerously close to swimmers across ettalong and umina. It’s ridiculous- are you waiting until someone actually gets hurt or dies before real action is taken?
As a resident of Kourung St I’m so grateful for this initiative. The high pitched screeching and traffic jams are gone albeit moved on to other areas. I was at Patonga recently and watched a fisherman trying to load his boat onto a trailer off the ramp, while a totally clueless jet ski rider kept buzzing past him and causing waves. These people are so selfish and inconsiderate of other water users. I wish we could find a safe and isolated area where they can enjoy riding that doesn’t interfere with our peaceful family friendly beaches.