Have your say on Tascott station upgrade

Tascott railway station

Transport for NSW is carrying out investigations to improve safety and accessibility at Tascott railway station and is looking for community input.

The investigations are funded through the Safe Accessible Transport (SAT) program, which aims to make public transport safer, inclusive and easy to use for all passengers, especially people with disabilities, older people, people with prams or luggage and others who may be experiencing mobility problems.

Transport for NSW Regional Director North Anna Zycki said consultation with key user and stakeholder groups would help inform planning and design for improvements.

“We want to hear from people with accessibility needs and their carers, to better understand their experiences at train stations and how they could be used to improve the designs,” she said.

TfNSW welcomes feedback from people living with disabilities, carers of people with disabilities, women and children, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The upgrade could include new lifts to the existing footbridge, platform widening, two new accessible car spaces, a new kiss and ride zone and CCTV to boost station security.

Feedback can be provided by completing an online survey at https://www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/tascott-train-station, via email to projects at transport.nsw.gov.au or by calling 1800 684 490.

Submissions close on 5pm on Monday, November 25.