Call for new body to oversee waterfront revitalisation

GEBC says a new body needs to take over the waterfront revitalisation

Gosford Erina Business Chamber (GEBC) is calling for the establishment of a Central Coast Development Corporation to take over the revitalisation of the Gosford waterfront.

In its latest publication, GEBC says the Hunter Development Corporation (HDC), entrusted with the area’s revitalisation, appears more like an absentee landlord than a visionary custodian.

“The Gosford waterfront has long been heralded as a crown jewel in the Central Coast’s urban landscape, a rare opportunity to create a vibrant precinct that blends natural beauty with economic opportunity,” the publication says.

“Yet years of delays, opaque decision-making and uninspired proposals have turned the promise of a thriving waterfront into a bitter disappointment.

“It’s increasingly clear that the HDC’s stewardship is ill-suited to the unique needs of the Central Coast.

“Despite grandiose announcements and glossy renderings, progress on the Gosford waterfront remains lacklustre.

“The most recent plans – a hodgepodge of commercial spaces and uninspired infrastructure – lack the bold vision needed to attract investment, engage the community and transform the region into a destination worthy of its potential.

“Worse, these plans fail to acknowledge the community’s aspirations, ignoring calls for increased public spaces, cultural hubs and environmentally sustainable development.”

GEBC says the Central Coast’s distinct identity and challenges are drowned out by Newcastle-centric priorities within the HDC.

“This misalignment leaves local stakeholders wondering whether the Central Coast is an afterthought in broader regional planning,” it says.

“Gosford deserves a development authority that understands its unique social fabric, environmental assets and economic needs.”

GEBC says a Central Coast Development Corporation (CCDC) would provide the region with focused leadership, localised expertise and a mandate to deliver outcomes that align with community aspirations.

“Unlike the HDC, a CCDC would be accountable to the Central Coast community ensuring greater transparency and stakeholder engagement,” it says.

“The Central Coast faces a pivotal moment.

“The Gosford waterfront has the potential to catalyse growth across the region, but only if the vision is bold and the execution precise.

“The HDC’s inability to deliver on this front is a glaring indictment of its approach.

“If the Central Coast is to realise its potential, it must take control of its destiny.

“Establishing a Central Coast Development Corporation isn’t just a good idea – it’s an urgent necessity.

“It’s time for local leaders to demand better.

“The people of the Central Coast deserve a waterfront that reflects their ambitions and an organisation that puts their interests first.

“Let’s end the stagnation and start building a brighter future—on our terms.”

5 Comments on "Call for new body to oversee waterfront revitalisation"

  1. Clayton Anstiss | December 1, 2024 at 8:19 am |

    Ive lived in or around Gosford for 50 years. I am now 63 years old . This old chestnut has been going around for as long as I can remember and I can pretty much guarantee that I wont see a thing done before I die . A lot of consultants will get richer and just before building starts , it will be cancelled because someone found the highly endangered Bulbous Headed Purple and Yellow Tree Frog is nesting there . Same old , same old.

  2. | December 1, 2024 at 8:58 am |

    stop putting more people from Sydney into Gosford creating a slum situation

  3. The truth of the matter is that the Central Coast has for far too long been run by has beens or never beens. I’m a ‘baby boomer’ as are and have been for many years councillors and LGA officials. We’ve produced nothing inspiring or interesting the passed three decades yet the people keep electing BB’s. We need to get out of the way and let the Millennium gen take over haven’t seen or heard anything from the Y gen other than me, me, me, to suggest they’re interested in anything other than doing less and wanting more and the X gen are too busy working to have the time to make inspirational changes.

  4. Ian Foscholo | December 1, 2024 at 12:11 pm |

    a more strategic vision is urgently needed for the central coast.State & local goverment do not have the vision or willingness to take on a critical strategic outlook. NSw consists more than just Sydney, spend more taxpayers dollars in regional areas, or pay the price at election time!

  5. James Ireland | December 1, 2024 at 2:44 pm |

    I agree entirely.
    I keep waiting to see some inspired development along and around the Gosford waterfront. Gosford and the central Coast needs it’s own creative development body, this is belatedly, screamingly obvious,
    What has happened with the supposed the mooted quay development along the Gosford waterfront ?
    A train from Sydney to Gosford is still faster and always will be than one to Newcastle, even if a so called fast trainline is ever built to Newcastle. Making Gosford a quicker option for commuters to Sydney or Newcastle.

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