A battery just won’t do the job

Readers' forum letters

Central Coast News advises in issue 463 that a ‘large’ battery is to be built at the Eraring Power Station.

Given the connection to the NSW grid, this location makes sense.

According to the article,  stage 1 and stage  2 of this will give six hours’ supply.

Big deal.

Any reliance on weather-dependent intermittents needs much more storage than that.

And it is not said how much of the Central Coast (consumption) this battery storage refers to.

The Munmorah ‘super’ battery is only a stabiliser for the grid, only needed because of the destabilising effect of too much rooftop solar.

The article acknowledges that Eraring is Australia’s largest power station, supplying a quarter, or less, depending on the weather, of NSW’s energy needs.

Shutting down Eraring, which is what some believe should be done, will put NSW’s energy security at risk.

Shutting down Eraring is complete insanity unless there is a replacement for it, ready to go.

There is none at this time, certainly not with a piddly little battery or two.

Australia exports far, far more coal than is used at Eraring.

Australia has a NIMBY problem (Not in My Back Yard).

Don’t the clean, green energy adherents understand that CO2 accumulates the same in the atmosphere, wherever it is produced?

If we don’t export coal, someone else like Russia will supply it.

We are still all dependent on coal, a very inconvenient truth to the elite virtue signallers.

Australia must rank as one of the most NIMBY, hypocritical nations on Earth.

Sorry, but this includes the wonderful Central Coast of NSW.

Email, Nov 8
Charles Hemmings, Woy Woy