Scottish dance classes for beginners

Learning Scottish dance is fun and healthy

If you missed the last exhilarating Gosford Scottish Social Dancers’ beginners course, there’s another chance to register for the final course this year. 

The Royal Scottish Dance Society, of which the Gosford group is a member, has its headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland, and has more than 450 groups in 50-plus countries around the world. 

Group spokesperson Suzanne Ness said some of the class had danced in many countries while travelling on their holidays and were immediately welcomed by new friends with a common interest, the love of Scottish dancing.

Conversely, the group has welcomed dancers from overseas and interstate who, while visiting the Central Coast, are keen to keep up their dancing and socialise with the locals. 

“Scottish Social Dancing is a healthy and fun activity enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds,” Ness said.

“You don’t need to bring a partner, our type of dancing is perfect for individuals, couples or groups of friends and family.

“Dancers usually have a different partner for each dance.

“This means you get an opportunity to meet and dance with lots of different people.

“Nearly all Scottish country dances need at least six people to dance together, and anyone can ask anyone else to dance.

“If you do have a partner, it’s a great way to keep fit and have fun together. 

“During our recent beginners course much fun, laughter and applause could be heard as dancers made some inevitable mistakes and then conquered them while whooping and flying happily down the hall with controlled abandon.” 

Scottish Social dancing is not only great fun it’s very good for the heart and lungs and will also improve balance and bone density.  

“Our dancers often have better agility, stronger legs and walk more briskly than other people,” Ness said.

“It’s also good for your mental health.

“Studies have shown that dance can help prevent dementia, improve cognitive skills and reduce depression and isolation.”

The beginners course is on October 16 in the hall at the back of the Coast Bible church at 301 Henry Parry Dr, Wyoming. 

It will run for six weeks with the first session free and following sessions $7 per class. 

On the last night of the course there will be a Ceilidh (a traditional Scottish party).  

For more information and to register email or call 0417 756 555.  

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